Ona here, your friendly neighborhood Podcast Trapper.

Today you get to meet the team behind the show!

In this episode, I put our production team at Adode Media into the hot seat. You’ll hear from Matthew and Q as they answer my hard-hitting questions. 

I also want to give a shout to the other two members of the Adode Media team who are not located in Atlanta: Aileen, our Audio Engineer, and Ellen, our Content Writer. Thank you for the wonderful work that you do!

This episode is a fun way for you to hear from the people who are bringing your favorite show to life. It’s also a reminder for you to honor and appreciate your own team.

No podcast comes to life without collaboration. Make sure to show your respect for the hard work your team is doing and give them a shoutout!

Meet The Podcast Trapper Team

In this episode, I’m featuring You’ll hear from Matthew, our Video Producer, and Q, the Photographer and Graphic Designer at Adode Media.

Matthew has been working as a Video Producer for a long time. After being required to shoot and edit a video for a class project in middle school, he decided to take high school classes in marketing and advertising. He loved it so much that in college he took social communication with an emphasis on media production, then shot several short films with his friends in Panama.

Q got her start using her mother’s disposable camera. She has an innate need to capture the world around her. Later, she attended a photography camp for kids and accidentally won an award! Discovering that she had a gift and enjoyed capturing visuals, Q got a degree in Photojournalism.

Without further ado…let’s ask the team some questions!

“What is your favorite episode of The Podcast Trapper?”

Matthew: “How to make money in podcasting. (LINK)”

Q: “When you talked about how you got your start. (LINK) I feel like that’s important for people to see. They might be in that space where they’re stuck doing something - feeling unfulfilled and they want to make a move but they’re scared.”

“What are your least favorite parts of recording days?”

Matthew: “I don’t like moving furniture. We had to move furniture because we’d have recording the next day, then we’d still have to move things around.”

Q: “It’s a long day, back and forth doing videos, pictures and portraits. I’m decent at it because I do a lot of wedding photography. My brain moves quickly enough, but…trying to give the most variety is the most challenging thing for me.”

“What are your most favorite parts of content recording day?”

Q: “I learn a lot. We get quality content. We are getting the content in a short amount of time.”

Matthew: “We switch things up every content day. It looks the same but it isn’t. We move the cameras around, we’re able to get creative. I have to roll with it.”

“What do you wish other people understood about podcasting?”

Matthew: “I look at things differently. I am able to pick out things that are not done in the right way. I have a sharper ear than when I started.

Ona: “I can always tell how good your content is by how long it takes Matthew to edit your episode. If he edits it quickly, your content was good. If it takes him the full 7 business days…hmmm.”

Matthew: “I wish people know that not everything needs to be a podcast episode. There are just some topics, some subjects that are flat. It doesn’t matter how much personal experience you bring, it’s gonna be flat every time.”

Q: “That was gonna be mine! Not everybody needs a podcast. Or rather, not everybody needs to make the same one. Everyone starts a show on the basis of, like, ‘Everybody needs to hear this. We’re hilarious.’ I’m sure your conversation is great but we’re trying to put it together in a narrative. How do we make this interesting to other people? We need a beginning, middle, and an end. But on the flip side - if you don’t have a lot of resources, the best thing you can do is hop in your closet or car until you get to where you need to be.”

Ona: “I wish people were more prepared for their episode. We had someone recently - she was supposed to promote her business but she never talked about what her business was!”

“What is it like to work for me?”

 Q: “[Ona] is about her business. You can’t do nothin’ but respect it. She’s goofy and funny, but she’s a perfectionist. She likes things done right. At the end of the day, it’s her business and we respect it. We keep it professional and we get a lot done.”

Matthew: “It’s fun working here. It’s a different experience every day. No day is ever the same.”

Don’t forget to appreciate your team!

Today’s episode was a fun way to introduce you to our incredible staff here at Adode Media, and I hope it inspired you to showcase the talents of the people working with you.

That’s all for today’s episode!

Be sure to Subscribe to The Podcast Trapper wherever you listen to get current, relevant tips and tricks to grow your podcast.

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If you love video content like I do, watch the show on Youtube. It’s worth tuning in to see our beautiful sets and we love producing great content for you guys!

Ona Oghogho

Links: The Podcast Trapper

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